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오션 피어

Ongoing and Past Researches

Here are some of the selection of research projects, ranging from those in progress to others at different stages of completion. Each project is a testament to our exploration of new concepts, our quest for deeper understanding, and our efforts to address complex challenges. 


Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Hydrodynamics

This NSF Project research introduces a comprehensive framework for modeling hydrodynamics over submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). It is crucial for riverine and estuarine ecosystems due to its impact on flow attenuation, turbulence modulation, and sediment stability. The study investigates the effects of vegetation flexibility and blade interactions on hydrodynamics by integrating soft-body dynamics with a high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Supported by laboratory experiments and field observations in Florida Springs, the project aims to enhance the parameterization of SAV effects on hydrodynamics, contributing to ecosystem process models like sediment transport and algae growth dynamics. This innovative approach combines numerical simulations and field experiments to improve our understanding of SAV's role in aquatic systems, addressing significant knowledge gaps in fluid-vegetation interactions and offering insights for natural resource management.

Funded by National Science Foundation

Artificial Intelligence Application in Various Coastal Problems


The research encompasses a variety of artificial intelligence (AI) applications across multiple studies, aiming to address coastal challenges through an innovative blend of AI, advanced numerical simulations, and modern survey techniques. Key initiatives include using AI for the precise classification of seabed and sub-bottom sediments, critical for enhancing seabed dynamics understanding essential for coastal management. Moreover, AI-based models for beach erosion analysis provide deeper insights into erosion patterns, aiding in the formulation of effective coastal defenses. Additionally, the deployment of underwater drones equipped with AI-enhanced cameras for ocean debris detection marks a significant advancement in marine environmental monitoring and pollution management. Together, these projects illustrate a multi-faceted approach, leveraging AI to improve assessment accuracy, predict coastal phenomena, and offer viable solutions for environmental preservation and resource management. This integrated strategy highlights the role of AI in revolutionizing coastal engineering and environmental protection, showcasing its potential to bridge the gap between traditional methodologies and future technological innovations.


Funded by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Korea, UNDP


Analysis of the Occurence Characteristics of the Rip Current for the Marine Forecast Infrastructure

This research addresses the complexities of rip current dynamics through an integrated approach combining GPS drifter analysis, dye tracking methods, and drone surveillance. Focusing on the notorious Haeundae Beach, it seeks to overcome traditional observational limitations by leveraging advanced technologies to achieve unprecedented accuracy in rip current characterization. By comparing numerical simulations with empirical data, the study not only enhances our understanding of rip current mechanisms but also proposes a refined methodology for predicting and tracking these dangerous phenomena, aiming to significantly improve coastal safety protocols and reduce the risk to beachgoers worldwide.


Funded by KHOA

Stability Analysis of Sunken Vessel Reef for Marine Park

This research explores the use of a sunken vessel as an artificial reef in high wave energy zones, focusing on its applicability and stability in shallow water areas off the east coast of South Korea. Employing a combination of numerical simulations and hydraulic model experiments, the research assesses the structural integrity and motion behavior of the vessel under various wave conditions. By simulating wave energy impact and evaluating scouring patterns around the reef, the findings contribute valuable insights into the sustainable development of marine environments through artificial reefs.


Funded by PIANC Korea National Section, Gangwon City

Coastal Erosion Studies

Numerous research efforts have been conducted leveraging both numerical simulation models such as 1D (CSHORE, SBEACH, XBEACH) and 2D (Delft3D, SWAN, MIKE21) frameworks, and hydraulic model experiments to develop countermeasures and predictions for coastal management. These studies span various geographical locations, encompassing diverse beach and wave characteristics. This multi-faceted approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of coastal dynamics, facilitating the development of targeted interventions to mitigate erosion, enhance beach stability, and improve safety measures against coastal hazards.


Funded by Various agencies including NOAA

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